Sherlock HolmesThe Hound of the Baskervilles

These three illustrations are meant for a young adult version of Sherlock Holmes.Because this detective has seen dozens of adaptations, this one is particularly focused on the adventure of the original books.The colours are more similar to reality, more natural than in other projects. Thanks to this ambience, the green of Sherlock's suit always makes him stand out.The intention of these illustrations is showing a lively Sherlock Holmes who's passionate about solving cases.

HomageThe Cosmere

These five illustrations are an homage to the fantasy books of author Brandon Sanderson.The ideas portrayed belong to his fictional universe, the Cosmere, where some of his stories take place.The characters are from the main cast of two of his sagas: Mistborn and The Stormlight Archives.The intent of this little project was to show the characters and the surroundings in which certain important scenes take place.

Arabian nights

These three illustrations are meant for an adaptation of One Thousand and One Nights. They belong to three tales: Scheherezade and Shahryar, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and The seven voyages of Sinbad the Sailor.The style is directed towards a young adult audience. The color palette is reduced and saturated, looking to capture the personalities of the characters.For example, Scheherezade wears read and purple, and golden that links her to Shahryar. He wears golden and green, the complimentary color to her red.Ali Baba and her wife wear simpler clothes, in matching red and white. Their story features golden when it's related to the Forty Thieves' treasure.And Sinbad wears blue, referencing his adventures at sea.

Textbook sample

This textbook sample works around the members of a family, each exercise linked to one of their occupations.The style is meant to be simple, fitting for a textbook aimed at children and teens.The lineart has little modulation, the colors are saturated and flat, without volume, and the characters are closer to a cartoon-ish style... All of this contributes to a clean, easy to read aesthetic.

The legend of the Lord of BeastsOriginal book

The legend of the Lord of Beasts is an original illustrated book proposal.Each volume of the saga includes a prologue of twenty comic pages, followed by an illustrated book. It's meant to be a young adult fantasy trilogy.The books narrate the story of Kaleris, a young boy, son of the Sun and a sheperdess. He embarks on an adventure to become a great Wizard.He'll learn magic and be faced with an impossible challenge: killing the Demon who stole the moonlight.
The only way to kill a demon is piercing through their heart, and Kaleris is set on it. But maybe his own heart has other plans.
Will he be able to renounce love to achieve his dreams?

Daughters of AstaraOriginal comic

Daughters of Astara is an original comic proposal, in the genre of high fantasy, meant for a young adult audience.These first four pages work as a prologue for a story that follows Melinea. This red haired woman is one of the daughters of Astara, a group of ancient sages who protect humanity's knowledge.She is the last daughter alive, and the end of the world is near. She must warn the kingdoms and search for her reincarnated sisters before it's too late.The story revolves around themes like humanity and its future on the planet.

Water, salt and bloodOriginal book

Water, salt and blood is an original illustrated book proposal. It's meant to be a young adult fantasy duology.The story's main character is Fei, a half human who's been travelling since she witnessed the murder of her mother. The years have passed, but she can't leave the pain and wrath behind.Pan, Lila and Bastian are three magical beings who work for the Court of Roots. Fei ends up sailing with them to the north, where the Four Magic Courts reign.But when she is face to face with her mother's killer, everything falls appart and vengeance plagues her thoughts. Magic, anger, romance and her past will follow Fei up north.Will she be free when she lets vengeance go, or when she embraces it?

WandererOriginal book

Wanderer is a fantasy series meant for a young adult public.The main character, Winn, is a Wanderer who lost her memories. Now she travels the world of Saar with the only company of her crab friend, Thalasi.That's until she meets Morgan, a master Pearler, and discovers that not all is lost. Winn's memories are still intact, locked in her Pearl and far away from her.Who robbed her of her memories? Who was she before losing them?And, most importantly: Will she be able to get them back?

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instagram: @kuidays
phone: +34 617 882 933

About me

Hi! I'm Laura, a Spanish illustrator who lives surrounded by sketches and books.I studied Illustration at the EASD Antonio Failde, in Galicia.My work is heavily influenced by the fantasy genre, but I'm also a big fan of detective novels, romance stories and franco-belgian comics.I'm interested in editorial projects, from books to comics or illustrated albums.For any inquiries I'll be glad to answer via email. I'm also available on social media, where you can find more of my work.Thank you for your time and interest!